Garmin and ATS77 Datum (Eastern Canada): Posted by: Mitch Lane Windsor, NS, Canada Hey all, I'm hoping I can help some folks out here who may be in the same situation I'm in. I'm the Survey Supervisor for a construction company here in Nova Scotia, Canada. I've recently bought several Garmin GPS 12Maps and have found them to be one of the most useful tools we own for test pit locations, simple mapping, and most importantly control monument locations. The problem I had however was the datum our monument values are in - there was no way to precisely convert them for use with the Garmins. After buying the Mapsource CD however, the situation changed dramatically for the better. In the CD software, it's possible to enter values for user datum and grid that are more refined than what can be entered directly in the Garmin. Because of this - and after some experimenting with the figures - I can now enter points with their ATS77 values (our local Datum) in the CD software, upload them into the 12Map, and confidently find those points in the field with pinpoint accuracy. It also works downloading as well, I just download waypoints into the software and select the user datum and grid from preferences and have ATS77 valued points. I'm sure this same principle will work for other local datums as well - use the Mapsource software for user datums rather than the Garmin - but I have no familiarity with other grids other than our own, I recommend purchasing a CD and do some experimenting. Anyway, I'll give the figures here so anyone with Mapsource who needs ATS77 value conversions can do so with confidence. Good luck and happy GPS-ing! User Defined Grid: Longitude origin = W64.5000 (zone 5) W61.5000 (zone 4) Scale Factor = 0.9999 False Easting = 5499996 (zone 5) 4499996 (zone 4) False Northing = 0 User Defined Datum: Delta x = 0 Delta y = 0 Delta z = -4.5 Delta Semimajor Axis = 2 Delta Flatness = 0.00022